
The association Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München e.V. organizes the International Documentary Film Festival Munich, together with the association Filmstadt München e.V. DOK.fest is a non-profit organisation. The aim is to promote documentary art in cinema and to further extend the International Documentary Film Festival Munich.


Activities of the association

The association accompanies the development of DOK.fest with ideas and impulses – like the introduction of the sections and DOK.tour –, with admiration and great sympathy, with critical observation and constructive actions.

The VIKTOR award statue – created by Johannes Brunner – emphasizes the value of the three main awards – partly sponsored by Bayerischer Rundfunk and Petra-Kelly-Stiftung. The VIKTOR originated in the initiative of members of the association and symbolizes the strong, authentic and artistic documentary film. For all award winners it serves as a special reminder of the festival. 


Donation and membership

You can support us with your donation:

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München

IBAN: DE47 7015 0000 0000 0787 66

Please do not fortget to mention your address so that we can send you a donation receipt.


Executive board:
Klaus Blanc (chair, former head of film department MVHS) I Moritz Holfelder (1st deputisation, film journalist) I Michael Augustin (2nd deputisation and treasurer, media attorney) I Angela Stascheit (secretary, lecturer)
